Collectors take pride in their valuables, whether they collect art pieces, baseball cards or antiques. It could take months to years for a collector to gather the right pieces for
Discussing a prenuptial without offending your partner
As the excitement of your engagement begins to settle and the anticipation of your upcoming wedding increases, the furthest thought from your mind may be divorcing your partner. Right now,
The contents of a prenuptial agreement
When Tennessee couples get engaged, they may decide to have a prenuptial agreement. While people may know they should include their finances in this agreement, they may wonder what else
Breaking up with a spouse who steals
Some people end their marriage because the relationship has fallen apart due to each partner drifting away over the years, while others may bring a rocky marriage to an end
Benefit of prenuptial agreements
To many people in Tennessee, the thought of asking a partner to sign a prenuptial agreement might sound like the antithesis of romantic and contrary to what a couple in
How are prenuptial and postnuptial agreements different?
It is often difficult for couples in Tennessee to discuss the topic of a prenuptial agreement before they get married. Even if you and/or your spouse thought it was a
Prenups are a good investment
If there is one takeaway from the Jeff and Mackenzie Bezos divorce, it’s this — sign the prenup. Although the wealthiest couple in the world live in a community property
You can approach the topic of a prenuptial with confidence
Your upcoming marriage in Tennessee is quickly approaching and you have started to spend some time thinking about the prospect of signing a prenuptial with your partner. However, you are
What cannot be included in a prenuptial agreement?
No Tennessee couple enters into a marriage with the intent of divorcing, but because the future is uncertain, it may be best for you and your future spouse to protect your
Addressing your estate plans after your divorce
During your divorce proceedings in Nashville, you likely had to fight to keep those marital assets that you felt that you were entitled to. Now that your divorce has been