When you’re headed toward divorce, you want to know what your life might look like after the divorce process is all done and settled. A big part of that picture
How does Tennessee address equitable division?
Divorce is tough, and no one gets divorced because they think the process might be fun. You get divorced because you recognize something in your life is wrong or isn’t
How is a family business divided during divorce?
Ending a marriage has many effects on a family’s structure, from practical to emotional implications that can be far-reaching. One of the most crucial considerations in Tennessee is the equitable
Dividing travel rewards points during your divorce
Whether you travel for business or pleasure, you probably love the perks that come with regular bookings. This makes sense, as rewards programs often offer free trips, upgraded rooms, discounted
What happens to creative work in a divorce?
For most couples, dividing property in a divorce is a simple matter of deciding who gets what assets and how to split the debts. However, if you or your spouse
3 ways to safeguard your business against divorce
Divorce impacts you in a number of ways, including personally, emotionally and financially. This is especially true for small business owners faced with divorce. In this case, a business may
What may I leave with after my divorce?
In a marriage, there is a lot more you share with your spouse other than your mutual feelings. You also get to share property. But what do you get to
Marital property includes more than the family home
For some marriages, divorce is inevitable. Over half of all marriages end in divorce in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Those who are
Divorcing with student loan debt
When you and your spouse in Tennessee come the decision that you will no longer remain married to each other, it is time to embark on the difficult journey of
Dealing with pet custody
As you prepare for your divorce proceedings in Nashville, you may be ready to move on from many aspects of your marriage; your relationship with your pet, however, may not