Sometimes, a divorce is simply inevitable. No matter what stage of the process, Nashville spouses going through this mountainous life change can hit many speed bumps. While there is no single solution to an issue in the divorce process, it can often help to untangle emotions and understand why a hurdle is so difficult to jump over. The following takes a look into the many feelings of love and separation in a new light.
Looking at the topic of love through psychological, legal and cultural lenses, one podcast showcased by Nashville Public Radio attempts to define this complex feeling that sends so many copules turning to divorce. Writer Alex Pollack notices how much dating can be like performing, raising a key question: when do couples stop putting on a show? Jeannie Ingram, a therapist interviewed on the podcast, shares that feelings of love are brought on by a combination of chemicals in the brain; when those chemicals change, so, too, can the relationship. Ingram goes on to state that couples commonly point the finger during separations, each person blaming the other for changing. In reality, a person’s own brain chemicals change over time.
Siew-Ling Shea, an attorney interviewed on the show, observes that divorcing couples frequently have trouble looking at the situation objectively. By addressing the truths of the relationship, many spouses realize the relationship is not the same as it once was — despite the difficulty of leaving a marriage. The attorney also notes how important trust can be not only during marriage, but through the divorce process, as well.
Putting one’s true emotions on the table can be a difficult task, needless to say. LiveAbout explains that, as complicated as emotions after divorce may be, both the good and the bad are deserving of attention. Acknowledging that there will be both ups and downs can make dealing with the upsetting aspects of divorce more manageable. In the same vein, it is also essential that ex-spouses are honest about feelings. Divorce can be the most challenging life event a person experiences, but there are ways to make the process run more smoothly.